Sunday, December 26, 2010


living in dc - a place devoid of emotion, where feelings are masqued, where one must play the game in order to get ahead. after three years, i don't have much of a clue. i'm lacking the ruthleses social climbing gene. i want to write/intern for hallmark because through the company, i still see that there is proof in life. that there is still a way to connect people to people, heart to heart.
it takes a great deal of courage to even apply for this internship. i've faced my own share of traumas, both external and self-inflicted. through the depths of sadness and, i have learned more about myself than i ever thought possible. this was through my journey of setting off for DC at 18, leaving at 20, spending an invaluable year in nashville, tn, only to return stronger at 21. i look towards writers, thinkers, and inspirationals for subtle grace and quiet revelations. it is in this spirit that i would like to write for hallmark. my past editorial experience, though great, i often felt very isolated from my audience. though i achieved success in meeting the expectations of writing in the City Paper's sarcastic, often flippant, know-it-all, and aloof tone, i think this aim/focus made my writing suffer. the point of the writing often seemed to be to cut to the chase/beat the reader/outsmart the reader/ even before the first paragraph has ended. despiste this challegenge, i think i was able to incorporate my own voice and humour. instead, i would like to work towards incorporating my brand of humor with hallmark's aim of drawing people, readers, families closer together, not further apart.

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